ˇBienvenidos todos! (Espanol)
ˇBienvenidos todos! (Espanol)
By Roger Hernandez

¡Bienvenidos todos! Es un recurso poderoso, perspicaz y honesto para todo el que desee que su iglesia haga una diferencia en su familia y su comunidad.
Everyone Welcome
Everyone Welcome
By Roger Hernandez

Everyone Welcome is a powerful, insightful, and honest resource for anyone wanting their church to make a difference in their families and communities. 
Failure is not Final
Failure is not Final
By Roger Hernandez

Failure is not Final is written to get you past your failures to the success that is often found just one step beyond. 
We All Have Solutions
We All Have Solutions
By Roger Hernandez

We all have problems. It is a fact of life. But in spite of any problem you may be facing, there is hope.