Psalms (1Q 2024 Bible Bookshelf)
Psalms is the ultimate all-in-one book, full of hymns, poems, and prayers for God’s people. Each line speaks to the joys and trials of the human condition. In spite of the “valleys of darkness” that believers experience, God is listening and responding, bringing hope, healing, and salvation.
Psalms - Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2024
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on Psalms: January | February | March 2024
This attractive booklet contains E. G. White comments addressing the topics of the day, week, and quarter in the Adult Sabbath School lessons.

The Great Controversy Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q24
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.

The War Between Good and Evil BBS 2Q24
Mark Finley tells the story of Christians who maintained their faith in the face of persecution. In spite of sacrifice, suffering, and even martyrdom, Christianity flourished, proving that God’s providence is greater than the enemy of souls.

A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on The Great Controversy
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.

The Book Of Mark
Join Dr. Thomas Shepherd, author of the forth-coming Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for an in-depth look at Jesus in action. Discover the power of “sandwich” stories, explore the revelation-secrecy motif, and watch as the Savior’s authority comes into conflict with the religious leaders of the day.

The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q24
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Ellen White Notes on The Book of Mark 3Q24
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.

Themes in the Gospel of John
In Themes in the Gospel of John, Ed Zinke reminds us that the God who created the world is the same God who walked the dirt roads of Israel, healing the lame, sighting the blind, and raising the dead. What we have always suspected is true. Jesus. Loved. Everyone. Even you.

Themes in the Gospel of John (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q24)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
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The Hopeful
William Miller, Joshua Himes, Ellen Harmon. These are just a few of the early pioneers that you will meet and learn more about in the pages of this book. The Hopeful book offers and expanded view into the lives of those featured in The Hopeful film. Learn more about these courageous pioneers who started a movement that today numbers in the millions.

God's Love and Justice
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Ellen White Notes on God's Love and Justice
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
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A Prophet Among You
Anyone wishing to make a careful study of the place of the prophetic gift in the church will treasure the wealth of knowledge in A Prophet Among You.
Could It Really Happen?
From the beginning of our church, we have held the strong conviction that God has called us to warn the world of what lies ahead. But what if our prophetic understanding is wrong? On the other hand, if it is correct, don’t we have an enormous responsibility to tell the world what we believe?

The Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath
The Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath shows from the Bible that the seventh-day Sabbath has a rich and permanent meaning as a memorial of Creation and God’s gift of holy time to humanity. Moreover, as a moral imperative from God, it will play a major role in earth’s final events.
Guide’s Greatest Survivor Stories
See God at work in 26 true stories of people who cheated death in miraculous ways. Escape hungry coyotes, a blizzard on a mountain, a raging blacksmith, a tumble into the Grand Canyon, and more. Experience the power of God intervening on behalf of His children. - Ages: 10-14

Finding Joy: Paul’s Encouraging Message to the Philippians
We can all use a little more joy in our lives. But how can we find joy in a world where so many bad things happen? When it comes to finding joy in difficult circumstances, the apostle Paul is an unrivaled expert! Despite Paul’s circumstances, joy is a central theme in his short letter to the Christians of Philippi. Read the letter, follow the commentary, and discover the secret of finding joy.

All You Can Eat: The Secret to Being Healthy Without Feeling Hungry
Have you tried diets and weight loss programs over and over without long-term success? If so, All You Can Eat will introduce the tools you need to eat like a horse and stay thin. Eliminate or manage chronic health concerns and feel better than ever.

Read about a piece of paper, an upward gust of air, the three angels’ messages, and the wonderful workings of the Spirit in this story about the God of second chances.

30-Day Challenge for Fearless Youth
Join youth pastor Jader Fonseca on a simple 30-day spiritual growth challenge that could change the course of your life. Begin each day with a short, Bible-based reading and a heartfelt conversation with the Savior. During the day, complete a specific activity that puts your faith into action. Then at bedtime, write a personal letter to Jesus—a prayer on paper—in the space provided in the book.

Hearts of Faith: How We Became Seventh-day Adventists
Expectation, exultation, bewilderment, and despair—these were the emotions amid which the Seventh-day Adventist Church was conceived. Hearts of Faith recounts the story of the transition from the weeping that followed the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, to the hopeful emergence of the infant Seventh-day Adventist Church 19 years later.

Habits of the Heart: Biblical Principles for Growing Christians
And after you first committed your life to Christ, did you wonder, “OK, now what?” Growing Christians often need a spiritual mentor—someone to share insights, offer tips for growth, and point out potential pitfalls along the journey. In Habits of the Heart, author Kenneth Crawford highlights principles for spiritual growth drawn from his testimony and Christian experience, bringing readers full circle from growing in Jesus to sharing their own powerful stories.

We Stand on Their Shoulders: A Historical Legacy of Adventist Pastors
This must-read book delves into the rich history of Adventist pastoral ministry, providing important context for understanding the role of the Adventist pastor in spreading the good news of Christ's soon return. It then explores the untold stories of nine Adventist pioneer pastors, encouraging us by the ways in which God enables those whom He has called to serve.

Redeemed: A Rescue from the Powers of Darkness
Jessie survived a painful childhood filled with abuse, abandonment, and loneliness. These wounds drove him deep into a dark world of drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, and the occult. Yet through it all, the Holy Spirit never left his side, nudging him gently, again and again offering a better path to a brighter future.

Through the Eyes of Luke: A Devotional Commentary
Rediscover the person of Christ and the story of the early church in new and wonderful ways. Like Luke, who never met Jesus in person, we are invited to undertake the ultimate adventure of knowing and following Him.

The Nephaniah Chronicles: A Story of Rebellion and Redemption in Heaven
The Nephaniah Chronicles is a creative imagining of the conflict between good and evil in heaven. It draws from a deep understanding of the Bible, the ministry of angels, and the ultimate victory of Christ our Savior.
See With New Eyes
See With New Eyes, by Ty Gibson, is about God Himself, as He has represented Himself in the One true portrait of His character.
These Fords Still Run
To know Orley and Lillian Ford is to understand how Seventh-day Adventists have carried the gospel to nearly every country. Lifelong dedication, heroic faith, almost reckless courage, and an ever-present sense of humor have distinguished this pioneer missionary couple.
Thriving: 31 Stories on the Impact of Adventist Education
This book is a collection of stories from people who have built upon the foundation of their Adventist education and have thrived in their fields. More important, they learned that success isn’t about money or reaching the top of the corporate ladder but about loving Jesus and reflecting His love to others.
The Plans He Has for Me
Looking for a devotional that doesn't spoon-feed you all the answers but encourages you to explore, contemplate, and discuss your faith? This groundbreaking book by young adults, for young adults, will help you explore life’s difficult questions, process your thoughts, and spark meaningful discussions that leave you feeling empowered and enlightened.

He Knows My Name
This 365-entry daily devotional for women by women features authors from around the world. Start or finish your day in the stillness, listening for the Creator to whisper your name. You are seen, known, and loved by Him!

Insecure: My Story
Natalie Boonstra was diagnosed with Madelung’s Deformity at just ten years old. The corrective surgery for this painful, one-in-two-million congenital wrist disorder was successful, but left the very visible daughter of a well-known public figure with emotional scars, insecurity, and self-doubt. Join Natalie as she shares how God changed her heart, showed her who she is in Him, and helped her realize her inherent value.

Christmas Gifts: True Stories to Celebrate the Season
In this storybook, Helen Heavirland captures the beauty and meaning of Christmas. Although the season brings wonder to our senses, it is also true that life remains stubbornly unpredictable. Hardships and trials are ever present, even at Christmas. If you have encountered difficulties in life, then you will find hints of your own story in these pages.
Three Angels, One Gospel
With remarkable clarity, Ángel Rodríquez masterfully unveils the message of a loving Savior that permeates the warnings of judgment, the fall of Babylon the Great, and the extermination of the enigmatic beast. Christ, the slain Lamb, is the focal point.
Trapped in Death Cavern and Other Miracles Stories
When people pray, great things happen! God often answers by bringing quiet confidence into our hearts and guiding our choices. But sometimes, God will intervene in miraculous ways that defy our senses and expectations. This book is a collection of accounts of such events from around the world.
The Joy of Optimism: Living in the Pleasant Tense
Undeterred by the inevitable challenges that life brings, author Kay Kuzma is determined to embark on a quest for optimism and joy—regardless of age, pain, loss, misunderstandings, criticism, or the turbulence of current events—and she invites readers to join her on this transformative journey of discovery and personal growth.
The Shepherd King
In the story of David—unraveled in this daily devotional featuring excerpts from The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary and Ellen G. White’s writings—you will find cause for hope and trust in the Lord. True repentance and sorrow for sin brought salvation and peace to David. God forgave him. He didn't forsake him. And God offers the same to us so that you, too, can be a person “after God’s own heart.”
If My People Pray
Randy Maxwell's If My People Pray, a book infused with a passion for prayer as God's chosen method for establishing His kingdom through us and supplying our greatest needs, will challenge you to respond to God's eleventh-hour call to pray as never before.

Holding On to Hope
Discover an often-overlooked Bible verse that will inspire you to hold on to hope even when things seem hopeless. When you’re tempted to give up on a dream, goal, situation, person, or even yourself, this is a reminder that God hasn’t given up, and He doesn’t want you to either.

Learning Life: How Personal Devotions Can Make A Difference
Most Christians have heard that personal devotions are a critical component of a healthy, growing spiritual life. Yet many don’t know how to put the discipline into practice. In Learning Life, Pastor Roger Walter breaks down a three-step plan for personal devotions that changed his life.
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Besieged presents a firsthand account by the author’s grandparents and other missionaries of the overwhelming trials and tribulations they suffered beside the Chinese people during the far-reaching struggle for China’s political unification.

In a world filled with confusing, mixed messages about alcohol,this book offers a powerful and enlightening look at alcohol and its risks from a Christian perspective. It explores the physical, mental, and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking understanding, healing, and hope.

A Voice to Rouse the Nations
A Voice to Rouse the Nations is an illustrated history of Seventh-day Adventist missions through 1915. Author David Trim explores the evolution of the pioneers’ beliefs and attitudes, introduces early overseas missionaries and their goals, and examines Ellen White’s role in the development and reform of the Church’s global mission work.

Revisiting The Sanctuary
Dr. Roy Adams responds to objections to the Adventist understanding of the sanctuary raised by the late Dr. Raymond F. Cottrell. He grapples with the question: Is the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary a biblical teaching or a baseless fabrication? In answering this question, Adams carefully counters Cottrell’s criticisms and goes on to highlight the prophecy’s grand themes of justice, mercy, and the assurance of salvation.

Teach Us to Pray
Teach Us to Pray is about prayers, and praying—first prayers, connecting prayers, battle prayers, intercessory prayers, persistent prayers. It’s about that and much, much more. It’s a precious gift to share with sisters, friends, coworkers, and family members.

The Masterful Deception
In The Masterful Deception, you will learn how God is building a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of believers, not an earthly kingdom under the banners of nations. Understanding this truth is crucial for every believer. “Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures . . . will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive” (Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 625).

Living a Spirit-Filled Life
Through the captivating Bible narratives of Elijah and his Spirit-filled ministry, you’ll gain invaluable insights into divine guidance, spiritual growth, and the power that comes with abiding in the Spirit. Thought-provoking questions are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance your personal study.

G. I. Butler
Denis Fortin puts readers into George Ide Butler’s shoes, revealing his heart, understanding his arguments, and viewing the young church through his lens. Yet, Fortin presents much more than a volume about Butler himself. The work provides a dynamic stream of Adventist history from Butler’s perspective as the young denomination faced new stresses and strains—including complex family relationships and opposing power centers—as it sought to define itself and how it would operate.

Guide's Greatest Wild Animal Stories
This is a collection of breathtaking true stories about God’s protection over those who had life-threatening run-ins with some of His most dangerous creatures. Hold your breath as Stuart sprints from a charging rhino, jump as Pastor Paulo spins on his heels to face a jaguar stalking him in the moonlight, and cringe as Lissy and Laura ignore mom’s warnings not to tease a monstrous bull . . .

On The Road Home
On the Road Home is an exciting and honest story that deeply reflects on our own destiny. It not only reminds us that in this life we are all prodigal sons and daughters but also emphasizes that God never gives up and never abandons us. His love is infinite, and His calls are persistent.

Transformation - Letting God Make A Better You
As Christians, we feel called to be like Jesus and live for Him, but we “fail often” in our spiritual journey. Is this transformation even possible? Transformation will help you grow spiritually by leading you in a carefully structured study of the Bible that will help you understand your need of Christ and teach you how to enjoy a real relationship with Him.

Strength For The Day
When Christ abides within us, He becomes our strength and our song. No matter what life brings. No matter how the day unfolds. He clothes us with strength and sets our hearts to singing. Strength for the Day is 365 days of devotions for women by women.

The Bible Zoo
The author writes for younger children about the animals mentioned in the Bible in a style that is educational and informative. She traces the references to such animals as bears, dogs, and leopards from the time of Noah until we are in our heavenly home.

The Light at the End
The Bible reveals a hopeful big picture for our future. As you dive into the pages of Light at the End, you will discover legitimate reasons why, in the midst of widespread skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism, we can have confidence that the Bible is trustworthy and accurate.

The Light at the End
The Bible reveals a hopeful big picture for our future. As you dive into the pages of The Light at the End, you will discover legitimate reasons why, in the midst of widespread skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism, we can have confidence that the Bible is trustworthy and accurate.
Mission: Trust in God
Embark on your own adventure on Discovery Mountain. Has God brought you here for a faith exercise mission? A mission to learn to trust in Him, even when you feel anxious? Here is your second Discovery Mountain faith mission. It begins with a tense situation in the woods just past Lookout Ledge. Where will it end? That’s up to you!
The Killing Fields and the Cross
In 1976, when the notorious Pol Pot became the leader of the Khmer Rouge movement that brought a communist government to Cambodia, the world for Jolani and her family changed forever. This book is about Jolani’s escape from the Killing Fields and God’s miraculous intervention in her life.
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Let's Talk about Jesus
Let's Talk About Jesus is a 52 - lesson manual of practical lessons from the life and ministry of Jesus. It has been designed to help your small group study the bible in an interesting and profoundly Christ-centered way. Each lesson will motivate you to dive into the biblical text, to stop and ponder its meang, so that you will be able to not only explain it but also apply it in your daily life.

Shades of Grace
Like the multi-hued richness of the color spectrum, there are various Shades of Grace which compose the beautiful character of God. Grace is unmerited favor, and so much more, as you are about to discover. Be prepared to be surprised by grace . . . again.

God's Love and Justice (1Q 2025 Bible Bookshelf)
God’s love and justice are often misunderstood. Some even consider them incompatible. Yet Scripture indicates that they are inseparable and awe-inspiring. God’s Love and Justice invites readers to understand God’s character better and offers an insightful treatment of these complementary concepts.

Working with the E.G. White Estate, author Jerry D. Thomas has prepared this contemporary adaptation of Mrs. White's great work, The Desire of Ages. The author's friendly style amplifies the beautiful message of this devotional classic, making the sublime themes of the original easier to grasp.

A Prophet Among You
Anyone wishing to make a careful study of the place of the prophetic gift in the church will treasure the wealth of knowledge in A Prophet Among You.