Author Books
The 144,000 and Nearness of Christ's Return
Marvin Moore once again digs deep into Scripture and examines the questions surrounding this unique group of people and the apocalyptic time, which they go through. With an understanding of prophecy, Moore brings you, the reader, a clearer picture of the 144,000 and what it takes to be part of that number. The 144,000 have a mission to fulfill. They will have God’s seal on their foreheads. There is a spiritual preparation that God’s people, the 144,000, must make in order to be ready for His coming.
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The Antichrist and the New World Order
The Antichrist and the New World Order shares a perspective on the future that's unlike anything you've read before. It will challenge what you've heard and what you may believe.

Armageddon: The Devils Payday
This book is about choices--the spiritual choices you and I and every other human being will be confronted with in earth's final hours. Armageddon: The Devil's Payday shows you how, by making the right choices now, you can be assured of your place in God's eternal kingdom when Christ returns.
Challenges to the Remnant
On July 10, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reasserted the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church when he approved a document stating that Protestant churches were not ³true churches² and therefore did not have the 'means of salvation.' Not surprisingly, this created a stir among other Christians including Seventh-day Adventists.
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The Close of Probation
God has been offering grace and transformation to sinful people for the past six thousand years, and He’s still offering them to us. But time is running out. Probation will end soon, and then God’s offer will be gone forever. “Now is the day of salvation.”

The Coming Global Crisis
The Coming Global Crisis focuses on practical ideas for the spiritual preparation you'll need to keep a level head and a calm trust in God during any crisis, be it personal or the global one that is soon to come.

The Coming Great Calamity
Forewarned is forearmed. Be prepared to live through the events that will usher in a new world order. The Coming Great Calamity is a forewarning. It is up to you to be forearmed.
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Conquering High Mountains
Conquering High Mountains shares the story, hopes, and bravery of the Beans--which now allows Christian denominations of Bolivia to live free and work together for the common goal of uplifting humanity and bringing Jesus Christ into the hearts of the rich and poor, high and low.

Conquering the Dragon Within
Conquering the Dragon Within is about victory--victory over the temptations and failings that make us less than God wants us to be. Drawing on the distilled counsel of the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Twelve-Step recovery movement, author and editor Marvin Moore shows us that a relationship with Jesus is the key to transforming our characters. He shares effective spiritual strategies for defeating the enemy and resisting his temptations.
Could It Really Happen?
From the beginning of our church, we have held the strong conviction that God has called us to warn the world of what lies ahead. But what if our prophetic understanding is wrong? On the other hand, if it is correct, don’t we have an enormous responsibility to tell the world what we believe?
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The Crisis of the End Time
With compelling evidence from Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy, Marvin Moore suggests the greatest crisis in human history is about to break upon us with startling speed and ferocity. The Crisis of the End Time will help the reader walk with Jesus through the coming storm without fear.
The Delay
Popular author Marvin Moore reminds us that, ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God's people have been looking for his return. Our perceived delay of Christ's second coming is troublesome to many, but Moore reveals that everything that happens within God's will, happens according to His timetable.
Discoveries In Partnership
Discoveries in Partnership is a straightforward discussion on tithing and giving. Its clear and balanced presentation restores the sense of joy and reverence that is ours to experience whenever we put God first.

The Gospel vs Legalism
Using the book of Galatians as a framework, The Gopel vs. Legalism explores God's intent for the law. It helps us understand what legalism is all about and how we can escape its crippling consequences to experience joyful freedom in Christ. You'll see that there are many similarities between the problems Christians faced in Galatia and those we face today. Paul encourages us never to exchange our relationship with Christ for a religion centered on rules and regulations.
How Soon Is Soon?
Bible prophecy and current events point to Jesus’ soon return, but the precise timing of that moment rests entirely with God. He has only called us to share His love with a dying world.
How to Grow in Jesus
Marvin Moore invites you to discover the remodeling job Jesus wants to do on you and me, because from this we can learn a great deal about how to grow in Jesus. Jesus has very high ambitions for you and me. Paul said that He wants to do for us “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

How to Handle Competition
Is competition good or bad? The author says it is neither; it’s our attitude toward competition that matters.
How to Handle Fatigue
If you are like most people, you know all too well the problem of fatigue. You probably wrestle with it more often than you’d care to admit. But Marvin Moore’s practical suggestions will help you conquer fatigue. How to Handle Fatigue gives helpful tips on coping with the two major kinds of fatigue that we all experience: physical fatigue and emotional fatigue. The book ends with a chapter on “Strategies for Success.”
How to Handle Guilt
The author discusses both normal and abnormal guilt, how guilt originates, special guilt situations, and how we can respond creatively to our guilt feelings.
How to Handle Your Imagination
This book tells how to use—how to handle—your imagination to bring happiness and success to your life.
How to Make a Decision
Decisions. We all must make them. But there are principles that we can follow that will help us make wise ones. Learn what they are in this helpful book.

How To Think About The End Time
Avoid the trap of end-time hype and disappointment. Moore insists that "this is not a book to tell people what to think." Rather it is an appeal for how to think about the end time in ways that are balanced, scriptural, and free from unfounded sensationalism.
Is This Living
The author addresses the three different types of euthanasia as well as the moral, medical and legal issues surrounding it.
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The Long Road to Armageddon
The Long Road to Armageddon examines the entrance of sin and expounds on God’s provision to save His children through the life, death, and ministry of Jesus. It also looks at God’s end-time church; what it looks like; the dangers of fanaticism; and stresses how essential it is for God’s children to develop a deep spiritual connection to the truth through the Word.
Prescription for Reconciliation
When we keep the Sabbath holy in the way God wishes us to, it is His most effective prescription to cure our alienation.
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The Refiner's Fire
In The Refiner’s Fire, Marvin Moore writes of his own personal expression of faith in the Adventist movement. Marvin has tried to clarify the issues rather than debate them and encourages each reader to approach what he says in the same spirit.
From the point of view of Christianity: “Sin causes death. Not some theological death in a dusty doctrinal textbook somewhere but a real flesh-and-blood death that hurts. The Hebrew saw a real animal die by his own hand. Each of us needs to realize that ‘My sin caused Jesus to die on the cross.’”
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Television and the Christian Home
Television and the Christian Home is a summary of the major issues as they relate to the Christian way of life. Television is a threat to the Christian’s relationship with God, just as it is a threat to education and to law and order. But it doesn’t have to be. Used with discretion, it can enhance the Christian life.
What Happens When You Die?
Where do our loved ones go after death? What happens to us when we die? Does it matter what we believe about life after death? Author Marvin Moore answers these questions and more based on Bible scriptures found in the New Testament.
When Religion Doesn't Work
What does a person do when religion doesn’t seem to work? The author offers helpful tips to those who are about ready to give up on God and the church.
Where Is Bobby Now?
Using a short story to introduce this Bible study about the state of the dead, the author shares helpful aids in discussing this subject with non-Adventist Christians.
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Yet Will I Serve Him
In Yet Will I Serve Him you’ll meet a soldier facing a firing squad, a gravely ill child, an innocent man thrown in prison, a well-known martyr, a pioneer girl taken captive, and other heroes of faith.