By Jim Ayer

Within the pages of this book author Jim Ayer invites you into his own intensely personal journey and unfolds the practical wisdom and understanding God has provided for every person that leads to the re-creation of your whole person—from the inside out.
Life Without Limits
Life Without Limits
By Clifford Goldstein

In this enlightening book Clifford Goldstein takes on some of life’s biggest questions and offers some answers that will change how you view—and live—your life.
Leaning on God's Heart
Leaning on God's Heart
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

We are all reeling from the physical, emotional, and spiritual side effects of the cancer of sin and its cruelty. The ultimate choice is Do we turn away from God--or run to Him?
7 Mysteries Solved
7 Mysteries Solved
By Howard Peth

What do the scriptures actually say about hell-fire, resurrection, and the nature of man? Will the Second Coming of Christ be literally realized? And more important-how do these matters relate to a reality of faith in this fast-paced age?
Adventism's Greatest Need
Adventism's Greatest Need
By Ron E. M. Clouzet

Through miraculous present-day stories, and enlightening explanations of Scripture, Dr. Clouzet unveils the mystery of the indwelling Spirit. He reveals that the Holy Spirit longs to re-make us into God's image, bringing full circle the process of mankind's restoration.
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
By E. Lonnie Melashenko

In Amazing Grace you’ll gain encouraging and valuable insights into God’s limitless love for you.
Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader
Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader
By Karl and Claire Haffner

Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader? is a journey that is as relevant today as it was thirty-eight years ago. Some of the details have been updated and several chapters have been added, but, in essence, this book preserves the precious message that is Morris Venden's legacy: that a daily, living connection to Christ brings with it the gifts of righteousness and salvation.
By Scott R. Ward

If you’ve ever wanted a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus but didn’t know exactly what to do to make it happen, this book was written for you. Within these pages you’ll discover how to come heart-to-heart with Jesus in Scripture, what role multisensory symbols have in the devotional experience, and the key elements of a mutually satisfying, lifelong journey with Jesus.
Beyond Anger
Beyond Anger
By Larry Yeagley

Anger wells up inside. People feed their grudges refusing to forgive. Is this healthy? Is there a solution? Larry Yeagley has helped countless people find freedom from anger, and now shares his solution in this compact sharing book.
By Jerry D. Thomas

Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings comes to the twenty-first century in this modern-day paraphrase of Ellen G. White’s classic.
Blinded by the Light
Blinded by the Light
By Philip W. Dunham

In his career as a minister Phil Dunham has seen many sad cases of apostasy. After telling their stories he surveys the apostates of Scripture to uncover certain recurring patterns and gives guidelines which will help the reader avoid the same fate.
Blood Relative
Blood Relative
By George E. Vandeman

A quiet and thought provoking look into the meaning of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the ordinance of humility, tithing and the cross in which all these center.
Breaking Through Barriers to God
Breaking Through Barriers to God
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Breaking through Barriers to God presents sensible answers to some of the most common barriers Christians face. 
Called in Christ
Called in Christ
By Robert S. Folkenberg

Called in Christ explores the powerful relationship between believer and Saviour and shows how "in Christ" we can repent, find assurance, be victorious and compassionate, witness, await Jesus' coming, and ultimately triumph.
Caught Between Two Worlds
Caught Between Two Worlds
By Karl Haffner

New from popular author and speaker, Karl Haffner, this book demonstrates that Peter's letters offer a future hope to Christians today who are living in dire physical and/or spiritual circumstances--just as they were intended to do for the early church. With study questions at the end of each chapter, this will make a terrific resource for small group studies, academy classrooms, etc.
Changing Problems Into Challenges
Changing Problems Into Challenges
By Carol Amen

This book will show the reader that no matter how big or how small the trouble is that you are experiencing, God can transform your problems into challenges that can strengthen your faith. 
The Christian Atheist
The Christian Atheist
By Ken McFarland

Is it possible that many registered Christians who claim to believe there is a God are really practicing atheists, living their lives very largely without God? 
Conversations With Jesus
Conversations With Jesus
By Jerry D. Thomas

Just as surely as Jesus spoke to Peter, or Martha, or a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher, He will speak to you. Author Jerry D. Thomas allows us to listen in on real conversations the Son of God had with ordinary people. People who struggled with the same issues we struggle with today.
Correct Time, Please!
Correct Time, Please!
By Theodore Carcich

This little book contains twelve essays intended to provoke introspection and self-examination on a variety of subjects such as marriage, prejudice, giving Christian counsel, and the quality of the Christian worker.  
Cracked Glasses
Cracked Glasses
By Heather Thompson Day

Heather Marie Thompson explores myths that make us feel we’re not good enough for God, external distractions that keep us from spending time with Him, and what it means to be an authentic Christian in a phony world.
The Desire Of Ages [Illustrated]
The Desire Of Ages [Illustrated]
By Ellen G. White

The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven.
By Karl Haffner

Haffner’s wit and wisdom combine in this lightheartedly serious exploration of three questions to which our souls demand answers: Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?
Disapearing Truths
Disapearing Truths
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Disappearing Truths takes on the tough issues of the 21st century and tackles them head-on. In a candid, straightforward manner, Mark Finley and Steven Mosley bring a biblical perspective to such issues as moral purity, honesty, knowing truth, living a principled life and living without compromise.
Disarming Depression
Disarming Depression
By George Vandeman

Learn about the various forms of depression and how they can be overcome. Also presented is the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and what He can do for modern men and women.
Embrace the Impossible
Embrace the Impossible
By William G. Johnsson

Told as only he can tell it, this the story of William G Johnsson—the story of a man who says yes when God asks him to step out in faith.
Experiencing God's Love
Experiencing God's Love
By Various Authors

When was the last time you experienced unconditional love? Does your soul yearn for peace? Do you long for forgiveness? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Can you know for certain that Jesus died for you? That His everlasting love is yours? Experiencing God's Love will provide Bible-based answers to these important questions and more. 
Failure is not Final
Failure is not Final
By Roger Hernandez

Failure is not Final is written to get you past your failures to the success that is often found just one step beyond. 
Faith Roots
Faith Roots
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Many people do quite well in life as long as things are going well. They tend to fall apart when problems hit. 
Of Falafels and Following Jesus
Of Falafels and Following Jesus
By Nathan Brown

Since the time of Jesus, visiting the places of His life has held a fascination and attraction for His followers from many parts of the world. This is the story of one of those journeys, encountering and reflecting on the stories themselves, as well as the realities of visiting these places today. From the rugged wilderness of Petra and the Dead Sea to the sparkling waters and lush valleys of Galilee, this is a story of re-discovering the stories of Jesus and the Bible, and how this journey changes and challenges us as we seek to follow Him as His disciples today.
Finding the Father
Finding the Father
By Herb Montgomery

Herb Montgomery goes straight to the root of several moral dilemmas and sweeps aside the misperceptions of God and His character that cause us to spurn the only one who truly loves us.
Fish Food
Fish Food
By Rachel N. Lemons

Rachel Lemons explores 13 biblical stories in a quest to discover the various facets of an authentic relationship with God. True, it may seem easier to have a relationship with someone you can actually see and touch. But what if God values relationship more than religion?
Follow Me
Follow Me
By Miroslav M. Kis

By studying the life-transforming grace of the Carpenter of Galilee, we learn what it means to be a disciple of the One who said, "Follow Me".
Following Jesus: Disciple-making and Movement-building
Following Jesus: Disciple-making and Movement-building
By Peter Roennfeldt

Disciples are protégés, learners or apprentices to Jesus who multiply disciples by following His methods, cultivating His movement, preparing people for His coming! 

Movements occur where disciples of Jesus mingle, sympathise, meet needs, invite and make disciples who multiply within their relational or community streams!

You are invited, called and commissioned. Go deep with these 50 studies from the ministry of Jesus, discover the progression of His disciple-making, and hear again the Voice who still calls people to “Follow Me” as part of a movement that continues to change lives and our world.
For The Rain As Well As the Rainbow
For The Rain As Well As the Rainbow
By Carol Amen

There is a saying, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Praise is part of the evidence, and also part of the solution to finding meaning in today’s world. That is what this little book is about. 
Give Your Guilt Away
Give Your Guilt Away
By J. L. Shuler

In this little booklet, the author richly and beautifully portrays the plan of salvation offered by Christ to the repentant sinner. This book would be great for sharing with friends, relatives and neighbors. 
A God Named Desire
A God Named Desire
By Ty Gibson

Science can’t explain why, but the deepest human desire is to love and be loved. Is it possible that we are beings in need of giving and receiving love because we were made in the image of a loving God?
God's Christmas Cards
God's Christmas Cards
By Dan Jackson and David B. Smith

God's Christmas Cards comes to us from the Voice of Prophecy. Elder Dan Jackson, NAD President, writes about what it would be like to receive a message from God . . . Perhaps a Christmas card.
Golden Keys
Golden Keys
By John and Evelyn Almack

Golden Keys is part of the Life Guidance Series. This book for younger children teaches courtesy, honesty, and industry.
The Golden Oil
The Golden Oil
By Dorothy Whitney Conklin

Throughout this world today there are many earnest Christians, singly and in groups, praying in harmony with the above instruction for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the experience of the latter rain. This book is dedicated to the exploration of all of God’s revealed truth concerning the personality and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Sermon on the Mount
Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Sermon on the Mount
By Ray Markham

The Sermon on the Mount is Christ’s call for action. It is the Manifesto of His Kingdom – the distilled version of His entire teaching.
Growing in Christ
Growing in Christ
By Kwabena Donkor

Kwabena Donkor leads you through an overview of the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church, with particular emphasis on the most recent addition, “Growing in Christ.” Throughout these pages Donkor explores how the church’s understanding of spiritual warfare—the great controversy between good and evil—is reflected in the fundamental beliefs. Your conviction and understanding are sure to increase as you discover how Adventist beliefs weave together to form a compelling, biblical, and logical declaration of faith.
Growing Through Life's Toughest Times
Growing Through Life's Toughest Times
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this book you will discover practical principles that will really help in your daily life. You will be filled with courage as you read. You’ll encounter people in similar circumstances to yours—people who faced heartache and triumphed over the odds. 
Has God Given You Up?
Has God Given You Up?
By Philip B. Knoche

To understand the Bible and God’s will for our lives rightly we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
Heal the Sick
Heal the Sick
By Norval F. Pease

This book is a series of 12 short essays, intended to survey certain facets of divine healing or “faith” healing as it is often called. It is the author’s hope that the reader will discover what is permanent and universal in the gift of healing and experience the renewing power of God. 
By Jill Morikone

Jill Morikone's candid sharing of her own struggles cuts to the heart of the many issues women face, You don't have to struggle in the mist--fighting and losing. Your Father wants you to break free!
How To Change Your Behavior
How To Change Your Behavior
By Dan Day

In this book, author Dan Day explains that behavior change is an opportunity that God offers to Christians, and he gives practical suggestions you can use to take advantage of that opportunity for your life. 
How to Grow in Jesus
How to Grow in Jesus
By Marvin Moore

Marvin Moore invites you to discover the remodeling job Jesus wants to do on you and me, because from this we can learn a great deal about how to grow in Jesus. Jesus has very high ambitions for you and me. Paul said that He wants to do for us “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).
How to Live with a Tiger
How to Live with a Tiger
By George Vandeman

How do you tame selfishness, pride, a loose tongue, impatience, anger, jealousy--in other words, sin?
I Am Persuaded
I Am Persuaded
By Fred Kinsey

Have you ever encountered a Bible passage that grabbed hold of your soul and wouldn’t let you go until it had totally transformed your life? In this book, you will explore the depths of the greatest love letter in the Bible and learn from Jesus the secrets of eternal life in the kingdom of God. New, on the Bible book of Romans, from Voice of Prophecy speaker/director Fred Kinsey.
I Don't See It That Way
I Don't See It That Way
By Ken McFarland

Ken McFarland explores some curious, and sometimes unconventional, thoughts on God, life, the world around us, and the world to come.  Not surprisingly, his conclusions don't usually jive with the long-venerated thoughts and opinions you may have encountered (or even believed).
I Want More
I Want More
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In I Want More, Mark Finley and Steven Mosley invite you to reach a deeper level of living by searching for and finding the God of all relationships; the God who wants above all things for you to have “more.”
In Step with Christ
In Step with Christ
By James J. Aitken

It’s easy to think that miracles only happened in Bible times—that God no longer moves in our world today.  In Step with Christ is full of short stories about the trials and triumphs of Europe’s Adventist young people. 
The Invitation
The Invitation
By Alejandro Bullón

This very powerful book contains the stories of people destroyed by life’s circumstances and rebuilt by the love of God. As you read the chapters of this book, you might even see a reflection of yourself as in a mirror. You may think that your life makes no sense, that there is no forgiveness or hope for you. Yet, each of these stories will lead you to believe in a Power that is above and beyond your own self. The great need of every man and woman is God’s great opportunity to save you. He offers you a new birth, a new life with meaning, the opportunity to rebuild your life and restore your family. Please, accept His invitation.
Is Jesus Enough?
Is Jesus Enough?
By Dan Jackson

In his new book Elder Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division, shares that as we behold the cross of Christ we will be ravished by His matchless charms. The reader will face the question, "Is Jesus enough?" and discover that no matter how little or how much you have, Jesus is enough for today and for eternity. 
Journey to the Son
Journey to the Son
By Kenneth J. Holland

What does it mean to have a relationship with God? This little book will help the reader to understand the answer to this question. 
Keeping It Real
Keeping It Real
By Becky De Oliveira

In Keeping It Real in the Real World, B. A. De Oliveira wittily challenges this tendency with an undiluted frankness and a quirky sense of humor. Her fresh perspective on the many facets of life will inspire you to approach the Christian life fearlessly and embrace your individuality throughout your journey in the real world.
Key Words of the Christian Faith
Key Words of the Christian Faith
By Reinder Bruinsma

If you were asked to define the essence of Christianity, what would you say? Which words would you choose to describe the life-changing pursuit of something completely intangible?
Life is Good
Life is Good
By William G. Johnsson

Life is good for some people. Their struggles are minor, their worries manageable. For the most part, they enjoy what life serves up. But what about those for whom life is a never-ending cycle of oppression, pain, and frustration? Is this present misery all there is? And if it is, what's the point?
Live Like You Mean It
Live Like You Mean It
By Troy Fitzgerald

Deep within each heart lies the suspicion that there has to be more to life than mere existence. We all crave, believe, and hope for something beyond that which is seen. Author Troy Fitzgerald urges readers to live moment to moment as if they were taking a journey home. He will inspire and and fill you with hope as you draw closer to the Promised Land.
Living for God: Reclaiming The Joy of Christian Virtue
Living for God: Reclaiming The Joy of Christian Virtue
By Frank Hasel

Living for God explores the beauty of simple biblical virtues, such as gratitude, courage, patience, humility, contentment, and more. It contains true stories and practical tips to help you apply these virtues to your life and relationships.
Living God's Love
Living God's Love
By Douglas Cooper

It has been said that the hardest work in the world is loving people. Can you identify? Loving the ugly, the negative, the crude, the flippant, the theologically incorrect? Is it possible to love them unconditionally? If you desire above all else to become an expert at loving, you will find Living God’s Love, by Douglas Cooper to be one of the most life-affirming books you’ve ever read.
Lord, Give Me Patience--But Hurry up About It
Lord, Give Me Patience--But Hurry up About It
By Keith Knoche

Keith Knoche brings us a number of personal experiences that have taught him patience. Through them he found valuable spiritual lessons and greater trust in God.
Lord, Have I Got Problems!
Lord, Have I Got Problems!
By Dan Day

A concise, practical, step-by-step guide, for transforming problems that threaten your future into opportunities that lift you closer to your goals. Great for teens and adults. 
Love Fights Back: 3 Stories to Save the World
Love Fights Back: 3 Stories to Save the World
By Patrick Johnson

God is love – we sing it, preach it and powerfully proclaim it, but for some people the question remains: ‘Does God really love me?
By Jerry D. Thomas

Working with the E.G. White Estate, author Jerry D. Thomas has prepared this contemporary adaptation of Mrs. White's great work, The Desire of Ages. The author's friendly style amplifies the beautiful message of this devotional classic, making the sublime themes of the original easier to grasp.
More Than Amazing Grace
More Than Amazing Grace
By E. Lonnie Melashenko, David B. Smith

What is it, then, about this song, “Amazing Grace”? Why does the tune have such power to bring tears to a strong man’s eyes?
On Eagle's Wings
On Eagle's Wings
By Randy Maxwell

When we learn how to exchange our worry, stress, and fear for the power of His sustaining grace, we can experience the joy of the Lord, the peace that passes all understanding, and the freedom to rise above our circumstances "on eagles' wings."
Portals to Power
Portals to Power
By Louis K. Dickson

In Portals to Power, Louis K. Dickson seeks to spark a spiritual longing in the reader that will be fanned into a burning flame in his or her heart. He hopes the wisdom within the pages of this book will be of some sort of contribution toward making ready a people "Prepared for the Lord".
Prayer on Target
Prayer on Target
By George Vandeman

Do your prayers seem to stop at the ceiling? Or do your prayers seem to miss their target? If so, then this book is for you.  The four essential components of successful prayer are outlined. Also included are biblical examples of prayers that brought powerful results.
Pursued by a Relentless God
Pursued by a Relentless God
By Shawn Brace

Author Shawn Brace brings remarkable insight to a topic in grave danger of becoming commonplace: grace. The heart of the Old Testament reveals a God who loves. A God who cares. A God who pursues. If the word grace has lost it resonance for you, Pursued will powerfully realign its significance and experience in the life of anyone burnt out by "playing" church.  
Radical Evidence
Radical Evidence
By Derek J. Morris

Derek Morris introduces you to a Shiite Muslim, an African ancestor worshipper, and others who have had a dramatic encounter with a Savior they didn’t know existed.
Radical Protection
Radical Protection
By Derek J. Morris

Discover the reality of the cosmic conflict and how to embrace the essential radical protection that only God can provide in these perilous times of earth’s history.
A Religion That Works
A Religion That Works
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In Religion That Works, the authors express deep concern for a religion that works—one that really makes a significant difference where it counts—in our daily lives.
Revive Us Again
Revive Us Again
By Mark A. Finley

As a direct response to the new General Conference president's mandate to emphasize revival within the Adventist church, Revive Us Again does not present some new startling, sensational information on revival and the Holy Spirit. But it leads the reader through God’s Word and the writings of Ellen G. White to life changing spiritual principles. As you read, open your mind to the deep moving of the Holy Spirit and place yourself in an atmosphere of spiritual renewal.
The Road I Travel
The Road I Travel
By Raymond C. Holmes

If you desire to remain faithful to the end, follow the road that C. Raymond Holmes chose to travel—the road that leads to life. His deep, riveting study of biblical spirituality combined with personal experiences from his own walk with God have resulted in an unshakable experience of faith.
Seven Reasons Life is Better With God
Seven Reasons Life is Better With God
By Nathan Brown

We don’t have to hit rock bottom to need God. No matter how good—or bad—life might seem, God still calls us to follow Him. This book ponders seven reasons life is better with God—when things are bad, God can make them better; when things are good, God makes them better still.
The Sign Said Wet Paint
The Sign Said Wet Paint
By Donald E. Mansell

How can we get to know God? How can we discover truth? This little book explores the various ways we arrive at knowledge and how truth can be discovered.
Slaying Your Dragons
Slaying Your Dragons
By Len D. McMillan

In this, his latest installment on victorious Christian living, Len McMillan exposes the dragons in our lives (apathy, mediocrity, unfulfilled dreams) and reveals the winning tactics that children of God can use to slay them. Happy hunting! 
Soul Care
Soul Care
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this book, the author shows the reader that the soul is worth feeding and caring for, and will reap eternal benefits. 
The Surety of the Bible
The Surety of the Bible
By Milton C. Wilcox

The Surety of the Bible replaces doubts with faith and tells us God has given us an anchor in the storms of stress we face in life. That anchor is the Bible.
The Incredible Power of Grace
The Incredible Power of Grace
By Roland R. Hegstad

Author Roland Hegstad understands broken beginnings. He tells story after story that shows how God can change lives today. A wonderful book to read and inexpensive enough to give.
The Joy of Jesus
The Joy of Jesus
By Ken Wade

Open the pages of this book and come along on a surprising journey—a journey to joy.
The Parable of Pershing Square
The Parable of Pershing Square
By H. E. Rice

Pershing Square is an oasis of green grass, tall palm trees, flowers, shrubs, fountains, statues, cigarette butts, chewing-gum wrappers, pigeons, and people. 
They Knew Him
They Knew Him
By Anita Marshall

I’ve been seriously in love with Jesus since my late teens. For over fifty-five years I have loved reading about Him, and I love reading about other people who love Him. These stories are about some of the people who actually walked with Him while He was on earth.
Transformation - Letting God Make A Better You
Transformation - Letting God Make A Better You
By Allan Machado

As Christians, we feel called to be like Jesus and live for Him, but we “fail often” in our spiritual journey. Is this transformation even possible? Transformation will help you grow spiritually by leading you in a carefully structured study of the Bible that will help you understand your need of Christ and teach you how to enjoy a real relationship with Him.
The Truth Sets You Free
The Truth Sets You Free
By Line Nielsen

God desires nothing more than for you to be free – and His truth will set you free! So often we surround ourselves with lies – lies that we can be good enough; lies that He is a harsh taskmaster, or that He doesn’t care. But God wants to free us from that – and He has given ample proof of this in His Holy Scriptures.
We Still Believe
We Still Believe
By Robert S. Folkenberg

We Still Believe looks honestly at the challenges and questions that the delay poses and assures us that we can, indeed, have unshakable confidence that Jesus is coming soon. Elder Folkenberg also examines the other key beliefs hammered out by early advent pioneers and shows that these teachings are still relevant and trustworthy.
When Faith Meets the Impossible
When Faith Meets the Impossible
By Gerald R. Nash

You’ll find in this small book a wealth of material that will strengthen your faith and help you realize that “with God all things are possible.” 
When the Devil Makes an Offer
When the Devil Makes an Offer
By David B. Smith

Despite his lying tactics, “Remember, Satan is mighty; Jesus is Almighty. Satan has a plan; Jesus has a better plan.” Be ready when the enemy makes you an offer. What will be your plan? 
When Wounds Won't Heal
When Wounds Won't Heal
By George Vandeman

Marriage. Is it really for life? Is it possible to have a happy lifelong marriage? These questions and more are dealt with in this book hope and courage are offered for both partners in a "tired " marriage.
Who Causes Suffering?
Who Causes Suffering?
By Roland R. Hegstad

This booklet presents reasons for Christians to have courage and faith.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who Do You Think You Are?
By Doug Batchelor

This dynamic book will help fan away the chaff and expose the essence of who you really are—and more important, who you can really become in Christ!
Winning Over Sinning
Winning Over Sinning
By Patricia Maxwell

In God's kingdom, everyone can be a winner! God calls people to success, not failure. And He's able to bring it about. But if this is true, then why does Christian perfection seem so elusive, so impossible?
Winning Your Biggest Battles
Winning Your Biggest Battles
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Winning Your Biggest Battles is a book about how to be prepared for temptation. 
You Can Succeed
You Can Succeed
By Gerald R. Nash

Every normal person desires to succeed. We tend to worship success but think too little of the means by which success is obtained. This book will show you how to succeed and what the measure of true success really is.