Author Books

Living God's Love
It has been said that the hardest work in the world is loving people. Can you identify? Loving the ugly, the negative, the crude, the flippant, the theologically incorrect? Is it possible to love them unconditionally? If you desire above all else to become an expert at loving, you will find Living God’s Love, by Douglas Cooper to be one of the most life-affirming books you’ve ever read.

Living In Our Finest Hour
Do you realize you are living in the world’s most exciting hour? Living in Our Finest Hour gives an unexpected perspective on the great issues of the day. Can the worst of times also be the best of times? Learn how you can be more than a spectator, how you can live extraordinarily and love extraordinarily in these extraordinary times.

Living the Spirit-filled Life
To the unaided eye, the curved face of the dam looks strong, massive, solid. But a lacework of hairline cracks races unseen over its surface. Pressure builds, and then— suddenly the dam gives way. Pentecost! A towering wall of unleashed power explodes forward, surging down the corridors of human need. The Holy Spirit—the mighty river of living water Jesus described in John 7—has been set free! And the world will never be the same.

Living: We've Just Begun
When you concentrate your willpower toward knowing Jesus, when you allow Him to dwell in your heart, you will find yourself on the threshold of a great blessing. You will hold the great and simple key to unlocking the limitless storehouses of heaven and eternity. Are you open to embracing the kind of life God wants you to have, both here each day and in eternity?
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Stranger to the World
In Stranger to the World Douglas Cooper introduces his readers to the human Jesus, and to His family, who were real people, called to struggle with problems no one else ever faced. Jesus was, after all, "the kid next door"to everyone in Nazareth.