Author Books
Ana Stahl of the Andes and Amazon
Ana Stahl of the Andes and Amazon is about the quiet, slender woman who stood beside Fernando A. Stahl, missionary to the Indians, and carried a pretty blue parasol. Ana was his wife, his confidante, his companion, his prayer warrior, his encouragement, his strength.

Gaucholand Boy
The first Seventh-day Adventist ordained minister to go to South America was Frank Westphal, who took up the missionary challenge and moved his wife and children to a faraway land. Through times of danger and times of joy, God cared for the Westphals, true Adventist trailblazers in South America.

Gold Silver and Spice
The girls were so excited to hear that their Aunt, Uncle, and cousins were coming home from the mission field to visit. South America seemed so far away! What would their cousins be like? Once they arrived Aunt Barbara wanted to go shopping and Uncle Henry wanted to drive a car. The four cousins just wanted to hear adventure stories from South America – terrific tales about explorers, liberators, emperors, chieftains, and dictators who lived in the other America.
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A Man Called Pedro
When Pedro Kalbermatter gave his life to God, he gave it completely! Whether witnessing for his faith in the Argentinean army, or defending the rights of Indians before government leaders, or building schools for the poor--Pedro did it with all his heart.
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A Man Called Pedro
When Pedro Kalbermatter gave his life to God, he gave it completely! Whether witnessing for his faith in the Argentinean army, or defending the rights of Indians before government leaders, or building schools for the poor--Pedro did it with all his heart.
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Seeing Eye Girl
Macha, the Seeing Eye Girl, was as much a preacher for Jesus as her father, Gonzalo Gonzáles. Perhaps one day you may meet Macha and hear her tell the wonderful stories of how she and her blind father helped the people of Costa Rica learn about Jesus.
These Fords Still Run
To know Orley and Lillian Ford is to understand how Seventh-day Adventists have carried the gospel to nearly every country. Lifelong dedication, heroic faith, almost reckless courage, and an ever-present sense of humor have distinguished this pioneer missionary couple.

These Fords Still Run
To know Orley and Lillian Ford is to understand how Seventh-day Adventists have carried the gospel to nearly every country. Lifelong dedication, heroic faith, almost reckless courage, plus an ever-present sense of humor – these traits have distinguished this pioneer missionary couple.