Author Books

Broken Stick
Norman wasn’t afraid to die, and he wasn’t afraid to live, either. In 1927, fully aware of the dangers awaiting them, he and his wife, Ruby, sailed to the Solomon Islands only a year and a half after their marriage. Daunting trials and challenges would follow, but so would profound spiritual victories and miraculous answers to prayer.
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Dark Light
It took a dream of slime and vision of love to bring John and Sharon Witcombe out of the darkness that had engulfed them while they were seeking new light. A thought provoking story.
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Dark Light
It took a dream of slime and vision of love to bring John and Sharon Witcombe out of the darkness that had engulfed them while they were seeking new light. A thought provoking story.
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Dark Night, Brilliant Star
This is the true story of Abram La Rue, a missionary to the island of Hong Kong. For fourteen years, he and a friend distributed magazines, tracts, and books and spoke the good news of salvation wherever they went.
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A Family Guide to Sabbath Nature Activities
“What can we do on Sabbath?” This question is raised all too often by both children and parents. This book is a guide to help you answer the question.
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Good People Get Burned Too
Few of us have experienced the rejection and alienation experienced by Rose Lee, a Chinese girl who was born in Singapore and later came to America with her husband and children. The story of her life shows that even those who love and serve God get hurt like those who do not, yet these experiences can be stepping-stones to successful Christian living.
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He Chose to Listen
Read this story and you’ll learn how S. N. Haskell, a trailblazer for God, chose to listen. But you’ll hurt for the student who would not listen and heed God’s messages.
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Jungle Adventurer
Elder O. E. Davis was one who pushed toward a goal and nothing could stop him. He accepted God's order to establish a mission amoung the Indians in western British Guiana. Today many Indians live in the hope of Jesus because Elder Davis loved them and gave his life for them.
King of the Cannibals
King of the Cannibals is the true story of a man who came out of the heathenism among cannibals and became one of God's leaders in the Solomon Islands. It also includes the exciting adventures these people faced during the Japanese invasion of World War II when they saved Allied airmen whose planes crashed on their islands.
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Mamma Stahl and the Butterfly Girl
This story is not only about Mamma and Papa Stahl, trailblazers for Jesus in South America many years ago, but also about their work among the Indians and the little “butterfly” girl, Chave, whom they brought up as their own little girl.

Miss Marian's Gold
Marian Davis joined James and Ellen White, traveling by wagon train all the way to Colorado. There, she helped Mrs. White gather materials that became such treasures as The Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ. This is the story of Marian and her quest for service. Although she is seldom mentioned in Adventist Books, Miss Marian was a true trailblazer for Jesus!
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Mission in the Clouds
Thousands in South and Central America can trace the first contact they or their parents had with the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the pioneering efforts of Orley and Lillian Ford. Mission in the Clouds is their inspiring story.
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The Vitality Makers
The Vitality Makers will help you transform your lifestyle in just thirty days. Take courage—open the book!
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Why Me, Lord?
Though at first, Ellen Harmon fled from God’s commission, preferring death to the awesome responsibility He had called her to bear, she did follow God’s plan, and the legacy of faith she left behind is recorded in this book.