Author Books
The King Has Come
The book of Matthew is more than just one of the Gospels. In common with the other gospel writers, Matthew exalts and chronicles the life of Jesus. However, it is Matthew who paints the most complete word portrait of Jesus Christ. In that sense alone his Gospel is a unique "work of art". Dr. Van Dolson takes the application of Matthew and relates the kinship of Christ to our lives today.
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The Golden Eight
Everyone has heard of the law of gravity and perhaps of several other laws that govern our natural world. There are certain natural laws, or principles, that hold in our physical, social, and spiritual spheres, too.
Our Real Roots
First written in 1979 and is being rereleased as a Heritage Classic, Our Real Roots brings together more than a dozen scientists, each considering a different aspect of the Creation-evolution conflict, and comes down strongly in behalf of the former.
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Taming Tension Through Total Health
You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to read this book. Believe it or not, you can tame tension through total health. What’s more, the strategies author Leo R. Van Dolson presents in this book cost little or nothing—except a little time and effort.
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Taming Tension Through Total Health
You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to read this book. Believe it or not, you can tame tension through total health. What’s more, the strategies author Leo R. Van Dolson presents in this book cost little or nothing—except a little time and effort.
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What About Life After Life?
This little book explores the claims of out of body experiences and what the Bible teaches on this subject. This book would be great for sharing with family and friends.