Author Books
The Book Of Mark
Join Dr. Thomas Shepherd, author of the forth-coming Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for an in-depth look at Jesus in action. Discover the power of “sandwich” stories, explore the revelation-secrecy motif, and watch as the Savior’s authority comes into conflict with the religious leaders of the day.
The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q24
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Unmistakably Christian
Following Jesus is countercultural in our modern society; but it was even more so in the first century when Christianity was in its infancy. The new religion was a radical departure from cultural norms, the expectations of family, and the dictates of government. Following Jesus is still countercultural. However, these surprising lessons from Peter will encourage you as you follow Jesus, and your community will know you are unmistakably Christian.